1.0-RELEASE (GENERIC) ______ ______ ___________ | ___ \ | ___ \/ ___| _ \ | |_/ / _____ ___ _| |_/ /\ `--.| | | | | ___ \/ _ \ \/ / | | | ___ \ `--. \ | | | | |_/ / (_) > <| |_| | |_/ //\__/ / |/ / \____/ \___/_/\_\\__, \____/ \____/|___/ __/ | |___/ [root] | [services] | [login] | [status] | [faq] | [sponsors] | [contact] guest@mgmt-boxybsd:~$ cat Status Hypervisors: virt01: 12.0 ms (Location: France, Roubaix) virt02: 13.2 ms (Location: Canada, Toronto) virt03: 13.0 ms (Location: Germany, Frankfurt) virt04: 11.9 ms (Location: Germany, Frankfurt) virt05: 20.8 ms (Location: Netherlands, Eygelshoven) virt06: 20.4 ms (Location: Netherlands, Amsterdam) [looking glass] Misc: Website: Online Matrix Bot: Online Provisioning: Enabled gyptazy services: Online Statistics Boxes provisioned: 500+ OS Images: 7 Uptime: 99.9% If you encounter any issues, you can always reach out to us by any of our contacts or visit our Matrix chat room at: Created at: 2025-02-15 13:18:06.931746 © 2025 [imprint] | [privacy policy]